Reactor Summary

The Reactor Summary node shows a summary of the optimal values for each case.

Tabbed Views


Tabbed Views


Initial Charge

Reactor Streams

Intermediate Feed

Intermediate Separation


This view is stacked in tabs along with the Initial Charge view, and is visible by default.
It displays the optimal values for the variables specified in the the Design Values → Specifications tab.

Initial Charge

This view displays the optimal values for the initial charge and the final conditions for variables specified in the Design Values → Initial Charge tab and is shown for Batch and PFR reactors.

Reactor Streams

This view is available for CSTR reactor only, and it shows the compound flows at the entry and outlet of every CSTR reactor.

Intermediate Feed

This view only appears for a CSTR reactor with Intermediate Feed enabled in Reactor node, and shows the optimal values of the intermediate feeds between the CSTR reactors.

Intermediate Separation

This view only appears for a CSTR reactor with Intermediate Separation enabled in Reactor node, and shows the optimal values of the separation factors between the CSTR reactors.

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A green font is applied to the cells after an optimization run for variables whose solution lies at a lower/upper bound and with nonzero marginal values. Arrows and are shown to indicate values at the their upper and lower bounds respectively.

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Copy Grid

Quick Run

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Copy Grid

You can copy all the data in any of the tabs, so to be pasted in Excel or another suitable app. This feature is activated only when you click on a grid.

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See Also: